Our Services

Client Testimonials

"Highly recommended!"

"The level of professionalism and the calibre of candidates have been unmatched"


"Highly recommended!" • "The level of professionalism and the calibre of candidates have been unmatched" • "Exceptional" •

Traditional Agency Hiring

We highly recommend this service for critical and time-sensitive requirements, particularly when you find yourself in urgent need of filling positions promptly. If you are truly seeking to swiftly secure qualified candidates and fill seats without delay, this service is tailored specifically to address your pressing hiring needs.

Talent Connect - Subscription

Our subscription-based model helps clients maintain optimal staffing levels year-round while minimising costs. This enables long-term planning and, on average, results in a 60% reduction in expenses compared to traditional agency fees.

Contact us, to find out more!

Visa Connect

Our Visa Connect services assist talented candidates in securing employment opportunities in the UK. Our in-house legal team collaborates with immigration lawyers to ensure candidates obtain the necessary right to work permits in the United Kingdom.

Traditional Agency Hiring

Traditional agency hiring refers to the process of hiring employees through a recruitment agency that acts as an intermediary between employers and job seekers. In this process, the recruitment agency sources, screens, and interviews candidates on behalf of the employer, and then presents a shortlist of qualified candidates to the employer. The employer then makes the final hiring decision from the shortlist.

Talent Connect - Subscription

Our new subscription-based service enables clients to hire throughout the year and plan ahead, resulting in a reduction in traditional agency costs.

  • Our subscription-based model assists clients in maintaining optimal staffing levels throughout the year while keeping costs low, thereby enabling them to plan for the long term.

  • On average, our clients are enjoying approximately a 60% reduction in costs compared to conventional agency costs.

  • Our subscription-based model assists clients in maintaining optimal staffing levels throughout the year while keeping agency costs low, thereby enabling them to plan for the long term.

  • Our objective is to fulfil all critical business positions during the course of the agreement. 

  • Allow us to prioritise your urgent roles for a period of 12, 24, or 36 months, while you concentrate on your core business activities.

  • Save time on the hiring process and avoid disruptions to your business while we manage the recruitment process in the background.